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Alexus Bertrand
6 min read
The Risky Business of Teaching
There is nothing more special than watching your student’s face light up when they “get it.” When they arrive at that place where...
Karyn Ross
4 min read
Art Activism: A Creative Countermeasure to Systemic Racism
When I was in art school, people often asked me why I was studying art. They'd say, “Karyn, isn't it a waste of time? What's the point?...
Jennifer Palmer Geroski
6 min read
An Educator’s Call to Action: We Must Do The Work
“You can't teach children of color and not stand up to the injustices against them!” YES! I thought as the words showed up in my social...
Michelle Pennix
4 min read
ABCs of Educational Injustice
I was excited. I was young-enough, studied-enough, passionate-enough. I knew that with the right staff, right curriculum, right...
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